Shed light on a few practices that will allow you to do your grocery shopping in eco-friendly mode!
Preserving the environment is undoubtedly everyone’s business! Several everyday actions contribute to a greener world: recycling, using public transport, participating in community gardening. We can also contribute simply by adopting good shopping habits!
We encourage thesustainable fishing!
Fishing undoubtedly remains a resource of primary importance for several million people throughout the world. For several years, theoverfishing, also calledoverfishing, unfortunately contributes to the depletion of fish stocks and the decline of marine ecosystems. With this in mind, some large supermarket chains are now striving to offer consumers fish from sustainable fishing, that is to say fishing that ensures the sustainability of fish resources. How to encourage this movement Just look for the presence of certain eco-labels on the packaging of products such as MSc and SeaChoice .
Bulk food stores: why not?
New food trend: buying food in bulk. What do you find in this kind of stores De tout! Spices, flours, nuts, seeds, dried legumes, cereals, pasta, peanut butter, tea, coffee, the choice is vast! All food is sold by weight and packaging is kept to a minimum. Buying food in bulk makes it possible, among other things, to avoid food waste by allowing consumers to buy small quantities of foods that they use infrequently or that they wish to discover (e.g.: spices). To discover!r!
Say yes to foods fair!
Fair trade foods are collected or produced with respect for the environment and people. These foods are the result of a practice calledFair trade which notably encourages equality between producers and which cares about the environmental and social impact of trade. This is particularly the case for certain brands of coffee and chocolate found in grocery stores. Some labels such Fairtrade offer fair trade foods.
We say no to plastic!e!
With an estimated degradation time of between 100 and 400 years, the plastic bags used to transport purchased foodstuffs or to overwrap certain foods suddenly lose their appeal... A simple way to help reduce the use of plastic is make sure you always have cloth bags in your possession when visiting the grocery store!
You are thirsty to learn more about the environmental impact of our food Get the book Saving the planet one bite at a time offered by the popular urban nutritionist Bernard Lavallée. You will find other tips and tricks to contribute to a healthier and greener world!
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