- Servings : 6
- Preparation : 20 minutes
- Cook time : 1 hour
- Calories : 280 cal
- Carbohydrate : 50 g
- Lipid : 6 g
- Fiber : 6 g
- Protein : 8 g

- 430 ml (1 ¾ cup) vegetable stock
- 250 ml (1 cup) white quinoa
- 1 acorn squash, sliced into rounds and seeded
- 250 ml (1 cup) dried apricots, chopped
- 80 ml (1/3 cup) slivered almonds
- 1 egg
- 10 ml (2 tsp) Dijon mustard
- 60 ml (1/4 cup) maple syrup
- 125 ml (1/2 cup) pomegranate arils
- Fresh herbs to taste
1 - Preheat the oven to 170°C (375°F).
2 - Cover a baking sheet with parchment paper. Set aside.
3 - In a saucepan, bring the vegetable stock to a boil . As soon as it starts to boil, add the quinoa and mix. Cover. Reduce the heat to low. Cook for 15 to 18 minutes. Remove from the heat. Leave to rest for 10 to 15 minutes.
4 - Ventilate with 'a fork. Add the apricots, flaked almonds, egg, mustard and maple syrup. Mix. Set aside.
5 - Place the squash slices on the baking sheet.
6 - Garnish the center of the rounds with the quinoa mixture.
7 - Bake for 40 to 45 minutes. Remove from the oven.
8 - Garnish with pomegranate arils and fresh herbs to taste .
9 - Serve as an accompaniment to your main meal.
@Ginette : Bonjour Ginette, vous pouvez remplacer l’œuf par 1 c. à soupe de graines de lin moulues + 3 c. à soupe d’eau tiède (laisser reposer 10 minutes afin que le mélange se gélifie)
Bonjour, par quoi peut-on remplacer l’œuf dans la recette de rondelles de courge, quinoa, fruits séchés?