Contrary to popular belief, many foods are allowed on board! #EAT #AIRPLANE
You will take advantage of the cold season to leave Quebec and discover the world of Chanceux! There are only a few days left before your departure and you are preparing your hand luggage. Can you add food Although airlines offer food, it is often cheaper and healthier to stock up. What's more, having a few snacks allows you to choose according to your preferences. Contrary to popular belief, many foods are allowed on board!d!
A question of quantity!
Liquids, non-solid foods and gels should be stored in a container of volume of 100 ml or less (containers to be collected in a plastic bag of 1 liter maximum) . Among these :
- Maple syrup
- Soup, soup
- Purees: potato, fruit
- Nut butter, spreads
- Yogurt, pudding
Some exceptions apply! You are traveling with a baby (0 to 24 months) Purees, milk and other beverages intended for babies are authorized, even if the quantity exceeds 100 ml. The same is true for people with certain pathologies and who have special needs..
As for solid foods, you can bring almost anything, without quantity limitation! Crackers, sandwiches, muffins, cheese, fruits and vegetables, chocolate, granola bars, nuts, cookies listen to your cravings! You suffer from certain food allergies Be sure to mention this to the airline when making your reservation. Staff will make an announcement at the start of the flight to advise passengers.s.
Think of the smells!
You read correctly! You can therefore take a full lunch on board! That being said, avoid bringing strong-smelling foods that could cause inconvenience to your neighbors. The tuna sandwich we forget!!
Think simplicity!
If the trip is short, the ideal is to bet on simplicity. You lack inspiration for nutritious in-flight snacks My individual snacks are perfect for::
- Quinoa and cereal bars (chocolate/cranberries and apricots/pineapple)
- Roasted chickpeas (BBQ and sea salt)
- Hiker's mix and sweet-salty mix (cooked nuts!)
- 70% dark chocolate (with rolled oats and elderberry juice)
Anti-waste tip!
The chosen destination could refuse the entry of certain foodstuffs. A quick phone call to the customs office of the country visited will avoid this waste! You are traveling to the United States You should already know that our neighbors to the south do not allow the entry of deli meats, certain dairy products and fresh fruits and vegetables not from Canada..
Have a good trip!
@Simon Gonthier Merci Simon! Petite précision pour les voyages aux États-Unis (une fois sur place), les fruits doivent porter une étiquette qui mentionne qu’ils proviennent du Canada!
Je voulais répondre à monsieur Simon Gonthier. Je pense que cet article est pour les vols seulement. Quand on passe aux douanes terrestre pour les États Unis, on n’a pas droit d’apporter de la nourriture
Merci pour cet excellent article sur les collations en voyages. Je voyage une à deux fois par an hors du pays et je croyais que je ne pouvais pas traverser aux États-Unis avec mes fruits. Je me privais d’en apporter. J’ai appris assurément quelque chose de bien ce matin. Merci à nouveau.